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Interview with Kip Mazuy
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for Spiritual Awakening
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Deep Meditation Music
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Interview with Kip Mazuy
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Free Online Satsang
& Shakti Awakening Meditation
with Kip - UK/Europe Session

Please Note:

The other way I offer Shakti is through my meditation CDs that transmit Shakti.  These CDs allow you to have this awakening of bliss wherever you are.  So that you could be sitting at home, on a train, walking through the mall and can be in a deep state of bliss.

Used over time, they help awaken you into the deepest states of meditation & enlightenment.

Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of the Pure Shakti Deep Meditation Music
Click Here to Hear Free Samples
of The Infinite Sky Meditation Music

After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Kundalini Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very easily. 

Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss and spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling." 

Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of peace.

Satsangs are Now via Youtube Live.  Please sign up below to receive link.

Here is a new session time I am adding as our regular session is getting to be too late for my
friends in UK & Europe but everyone is welcome!  

Here Are the Times:

Saturday March 8,

-8:00 AM for UK,

-9:00 AM for Germany,

-1:30 PM for India,

-10:00 AM for Romania,

-9:00 PM New Zealand Time,

-7:00 PM for Sydney, Australia Time,

-3:00 AM Eastern time USA, 12:00 AM Pacific time USA 

To see what time it will be in your time zone, please use the time converter

The way it works is you click on a URL link,  we will meditate together via audio stream on your
computer,  I will guide you in a meditation,  may talk a little or answer questions.  But mostly it is
about awakening the Shakti in you so deep meditation and bliss happens effortlessly.   This may
happen immediately or it may begin a process in you that deepens over time.

"Wow, that's all I can say....just wow.  I hope you do them more often."
(Lesley Cangialosi, USA)
" My body, head, arms, legs, torso, all did their own thing vibrating to the dance of the isness.

My eyes softly oozed the tears of the heart in joy and surrender, and all these words do nothing to explain the inexplicable"
(Bruce Corston, Australia)

" I was on the call on Sunday, and I honestly can say that I don't ever remember a feeling of such peace and love wash over me. Ever.

This was my first call with you and I really didn't know what to expect, but by the end of the call I felt like a gentle, warm cloud of love was enveloping me. It was almost tangible.

When I woke the next morning, I felt an amazing total stillness. So -- I thank you from the bottom of my heart." 
(Diana Alexander, AZ, USA)
"Thank-you so much for the Saturday meditation sessions you generously offer. They are profound, the frequency/Shakti you generate is instantly palpable. I find it hard to sign off when you end the call!"
(Lauren Ganja, Toronto, Canada)
"I felt so much love coming through you and was touched to the core. Many tears and also laughter."
(Babula Clement, Australia)
"Have no words for how to express my gratitude to you, the energy transfer just raised my vibration to a level never known."
(Rosa, Villegas, CA, USA)
"That was wonderful!  My body is alive with the pulsing and it was wonderful to consciously relax different parts of the body and be aware of the energy immediately rushing in. You have a loyal group - it is a great pleasure and privilege to be one of them!"
(Jean Morrison, Australia)
"Thanks so much for the gift of this session...there's an experience of tremendous energy, vibrating at high frequencies-like a million silver bells all ringing at once...."
(Susan Reinhardt, USA)

It has been said for thousands of years that the easiest way to experience deep states of meditation and bliss is through grace- the awakening of Shakti, the Energy Vibration of Pure Consciousness.  It is this energy that can totally transform you, catapulting you into states of peace and joy you might never experience meditating on your own. This is what these online satsangss are about.

What can you expect by attending the online session?

You could experience

     -A deep sense of peace & bliss
     -Immense love/opening of the heart
     -Sensation of energy or heat moving through or around your body.
     -Old emotions could surface to be cleared
     -You might feel nothing at all

Whatever you experience, it begins an energetic process in you. The more sessions you attend, the more it deepens. It does not matter what practice or religion that you are drawn to.  You do not have to know anything about spirituality.  You simply have to be open to whatever happens.

(We never will give your information out to anyone)
Read Our Privacy Policy
This session will be most effective for those that are currently meditating to the following Shakti CDs/mp3s

Sound of Enlightenment

Radiance Shakti Meditation CDs/mp3s

Pure Shakti Meditation CDs/mp3s

Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace

But everyone is invited to join.

Sign up is below.
Click Here to Hear Free Samples of The Calling CDs
To sign up for this Online Meditation / Satsang, please fill out the form below.  Once you press "submit" it will take you to the page that gives you the link and info for the session. 

Please note you will not be emailed these details so be sure to print the page out.