bliss meditation music
Sound of Enlightenment Kip Mazuy
Transform Your Life into Joy
with "Sound of Enlightenment"
The Newest Shaktipat
Meditation Music by Kip Mazuy
Transform Your Life into Joy
with "Sound of Enlightenment"
The Newest Shaktipat
Meditation Music by Kip Mazuy
Experience Profound Peace & Bliss! This Meditation Music
is a Must-Have for Anyone Seeking Enlightenment
or Wanting to Be Bathed in Peace!
Experience Profound Peace & Bliss! This Meditation Music is a
Must-Have for Anyone Seeking Enlightenment or Wanting
to Be Bathed in Peace!
Experience The Bliss for Yourself!  Listen to The Free Samples Below:
Experience The Bliss for Yourself! 
Listen to The Free Samples Below:
How does Sound of Enlightenment
make your meditations 10 times better?

Everywhere around you, life is pulling you outward.  Pulling you into stress, into thinking, into conflict.  And when we get pulled further and further outward, we lose all connection to our essence that is supreme peace.

And so when we try and meditate on our own, we are fighting to be present, fighting to get to just a superficial level of awareness and relaxation.  Even if we are sitting in nature it is extremely difficult to get to any level of peace.

We need something to awaken us to the true goodness and joy that is beyond the mind. We need the energy of supreme peace to pull us back to our source. Then meditation becomes much easy.

Sound of Enlightenment transmits the energy of supreme peace like nothing else will.  This meditation music awakens bliss at the core of your being.  It frees you from being stuck in thinking in meditation and opens you into a deeper experience of reality that ultimately is felt as supreme joy.

By meditating to this music, you are bathed in bliss.  The energy of enlightenment gently begins to transform you and open your perception into true peace.

When you listen to Sound of Enlightenment, all of the chaotic energy around you no longer has power over you.  By meditating to this music, you rest in your own sanctuary of bliss!

How does Sound of Enlightenment
make your meditations 10 times better?

Everywhere around you, life is pulling you outward.  Pulling you into stress, into thinking, into conflict.  And when we get pulled further and further outward, we lose all connection to our essence that is supreme peace.

And so when we try and meditate on our own, we are fighting to be present, fighting to get to just a superficial level of awareness and relaxation.  Even if we are sitting in nature it is extremely difficult to get to any level of peace.

We need something to awaken us to the true goodness and joy that is beyond the mind. We need the energy of supreme peace to pull us back to our source. Then meditation becomes much easy.

Sound of Enlightenment transmits the energy of supreme peace like nothing else will.  This meditation music awakens bliss at the core of your being.  It frees you from being stuck in thinking in meditation and opens you into a deeper experience of reality that ultimately is felt as supreme joy.

By meditating to this music, you are bathed in bliss.  The energy of enlightenment gently begins to transform you and open your perception into true peace.

"Sound of Enlightenment has dropped me into a profound peace,
serenity, joy and bliss that has made my week a walking thank-you to life,
to connection, to unity consciousness.

It Is Like a Bath In Love and Peace

(Andreas Thrussell, UK)

"Sound of Enlightenment has dropped me into
a profound peace, serenity, joy and bliss that has made my
week a walking thank-you
to life, to connection, to unity consciousness.

It Is Like a Bath In Love and

(Andreas Thrussell, UK)
Spiritual practice and meditation are an important part of the journey.  But we seek out enlightened beings for their presence that effortlessly awakens us into deep meditation and bliss.  By being in their presence, something profound happens.

Just by Listening to This "Shaktipat Music," this same enlightened presence washes over you, gently guiding you into deep peace and meditation.

My name is Kip Mazuy of Bliss Music.  Many of you know me from my meditation music.  Tens of thousands of people all over the world enjoy deep states of meditation listening to my various Shaktipat Meditation Music albums.

I also struggled with meditation for years.  But through the grace/Shakti of my Gurus, I now experience Samadhi, the experience of being liberated into the One Infinite Bliss Consciousness. 

I now help others realize the same by meditating with them.  And Sound of Enlightenment transmits this Shaktipat/Grace in a way never done before through meditation music.

Saints & Sages have said for thousands of years that the essence of life, your true self is One Infinite Consciousness; Unfathomable Bliss that is Pure and Free.  It is the deepest goodness, the purest love beyond what the mind could even fathom.

And it is this profound goodness in the form of energy that awakens us into deep meditation, that opens our attention into deep peace.  It heals us in peace and pulls us deeper into subtler levels of awareness.

If one is absorbed in the highest level of meditation, this energy naturally radiates through us transforming everyone around us.  Call it grace, blessings, Kundalini, shaktipat, it is the energy of Infinite Goodness that you can feel at a subtle level. 

And this is what is transmitted through my meditation music.

Because you do not need to join a spiritual group, or have certain beliefs, or follow a certain path.  You can be an atheist and in listening to this meditation music with an open, relaxed mind, you will begin to feel a peace and joy awakening within you that is unexplainable.

No matter what your spiritual path or practice is, this meditation music can deepen your experience 10 fold. 

Even if you are not spiritual. Perhaps you just want to feel free from all the stress in your life and be bathed in peace.  You can listen to this meditation music and be bathed in deep peace.

By listening to this meditation music on a daily basis, you will be transformed into peace and bliss.  You will grow in awareness and clarity into a deeper truth, into a reality of infinite goodness like nothing else you have experienced before.

This has proven to be true with thousands of people around the world meditating to my Shakti albums like Pure, Radiance, Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace & Shakti Silence.

How fast it happens for you I cannot say.   Everyone will have a different experience with it.  But most people experience a deep sense of peace and bliss instantly. 

Sound of Enlightenment transmits the energy of bliss in a completely new and extraordinary way.  Listen to the samples below and experience it for yourself!

Spiritual practice and meditation are an important part of the journey.  But we seek out enlightened beings for their presence that effortlessly awakens us into deep meditation and bliss.  By being in their presence, something profound happens.

Just by Listening to This "Shaktipat Music," this same enlightened presence washes over you, gently guiding you into deep peace and meditation.
Bliss Music
When you listen to Sound of Enlightenment, all of the chaotic energy around you no longer has power over you.

By meditating to this music, you rest in your own sanctuary of bliss!
Bliss Music
My name is Kip Mazuy of Bliss Music.  10s of thousands of people all over the world enjoy deep states of meditation listening to my various Shaktipat Meditation Music albums.
Saints & Sages have said for thousands of years that the essence of life, your true self is One Infinite Consciousness; Unfathomable Bliss that is Pure and Free.  It is the deepest goodness, the purest love beyond what the mind could even fathom.
I also struggled with meditation for years.  But through the grace/Shakti of my Gurus, I now experience Samadhi, the experience of being liberated into the One Infinite Bliss Consciousness. 

I now help others realize the same by meditating with them.  And Sound of Enlightenment transmits this Shaktipat/Grace in a way never done before through meditation music.
Bliss Music
And it is this profound goodness in the form of energy that awakens us into deep meditation, that opens our attention into deep peace.  It heals us in peace and pulls us deeper into subtler levels of awareness.

If one is absorbed in the highest level of meditation, this energy naturally radiates through us transforming everyone around us.  Call it grace, blessings, Kundalini, shaktipat, it is the energy of Infinite Goodness that you can feel at a subtle level. 

And this is what is transmitted through my meditation music.

Because you do not need to join a spiritual group, or have certain beliefs, or follow a certain path.  You can be an atheist and in listening to this meditation music with an open, relaxed mind, you will begin to feel a peace and joy awakening within you that is unexplainable.

No matter what your spiritual path or practice is, this meditation music can deepen your experience 10 fold. 

Even if you are not spiritual. Perhaps you just want to feel free from all the stress in your life and be bathed in peace.  You can listen to this meditation music and be bathed in deep peace.

By listening to this meditation music on a daily basis, you will be transformed into peace and bliss.  You will grow in awareness and clarity into a deeper truth, into a reality of infinite goodness like nothing else you have experienced before.

This has proven to be true with thousands of people around the world meditating to my Shakti albums like Pure, Radiance, Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace & Shakti Silence.

How fast it happens for you I cannot say.   Everyone will have a different experience with it.  But most people experience a deep sense of peace and bliss instantly. 

Sound of Enlightenment transmits the energy of bliss in a completely new and extraordinary way.  Listen to the samples below and experience it for yourself!
Transform Your Life into Peace!

Sound of Enlightenment

is a 5 CD set of meditation music also available as 10 mp3 download or 10 Flac downloads. There are 10 meditation music tracks each over 30 minutes long which are great for playing on repeat for hours.

Each track has its own unique Shaktipat energy transmission so you will experience something new with every track. 

It took over 4 years to make and I spent 8 thousand dollars in the latest audio equipment and musical instruments.  With the new audio equipment, I can sample Shakti in ways I never could before.

With the track "Kali's Roar," you might feel surges of  "Kundalini Bliss" rushing up your spine.

Devotional tracks like "Infinite Goodness" and "Ocean of Nectar" awaken your heart into love, devotion and joy. (Bhakti)

Recordings from the temples and Saints I visited are subtly embedded in the music along with cello, bansuri flute, the Indian Sarod and more.

But the real truth is what this music can make you feel at a subtle level.  It can dissolve your stress and transform everything into your true essence that is infinite peace.

Consider What This Music Can Do for You:
Sound of Enlightenment CDs
Sound of Enlightenment Meditation Music
This meditation music not only awakens the bliss/conscious energy but also transmits "Light," the pure goodness that can remove stress and obstacles in the way of you experiencing the truth.

The first track "Calm" soothes and quiets you into deep peace & Joy.  The track "Sound of Heaven" is named for the experience one has listening to it.  You are transported into a feeling of heaven.

"Flying through Space" gives the feeling of floating in Cosmic Consciousness.  While "Grace" washes you in the most profound peace and bliss.
I also took 2 trips to India, sampling the Shakti from various Shakti Temples, Saints, Sadhus and Avadhuts who are unknown to the west which brings a very special grace to "Sound of Enlightenment." 

Sometimes You Might Hear in This Meditation Music a Faint Chant or Ringing of A Bell Subtly in the Background Washing You in Profound Grace and Goodness.
-Relieve Anxiety and Stress. Wash away stress and anxiety and find the real peace that is your essence.

-Increase Your Happiness.  Awaken your natural bliss endorphins to feel joy!

-Enrich The Quality of Your Life.  This happens when you begin to feel the peace and joy that is your essence.  Everything in life starts to feel better.

-Great for Airports, Malls, Airplanes, trains and buses.  No matter how chaotic and noisy it may be around you, listening to Sound of Enlightenment keeps you in your own coccoon of bliss.

-Discover Who You Truly Are. You are not just a person separate from everything with worries and fears.  At your essence you are eternal peace.  You are Supreme Joy! 

-Better Relationships. When you feel the love and bliss that has no conditions, you begin to love people and be good to people simply because goodness is who you are.

-Discover Your Life's Purpose. The energy that is at your source starts to guide you into figuring out what is really true for you.

-Enhance Creativity. Sound of Enlightenment opens your perception to the place where endloess creativity flows.  Painters, Artists and Writers often listen to this music when creating.

-Turn Your House into A Sanctuary of Peace. Play this music in your home even when you are not there and notice the change of the energy.  You will feel a nurturing peace in any environment where you play it.

-Awaken into Deep Meditation. This is the main reason I create this music.  Shakti is the energy of pure consciousness.  So when you feel the energy, you are automatically drawn into consciousness.

-Receive the Blessing of Enlightened Energy. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on retreats or go live in an ashram.  You can sit in your house, on a train or on a park bench and enjoy the Shaktipat bliss energy.

-Awaken Kundalini Energy. Kundalini Energy is not some dangerous occult energy.  It is the source of who you are! It is the energy of the purest peace, love and oneness.  It is supreme goodness.  This is what is transmitted in Sound of Enlightenment.
Have a listen to the samples below: It is best not to eat or drink anything besides water for an hour prior to listening just so you can feel the subtle energy of peace and bliss in the music.  Listen with a good pair of earbuds/headphones or speakers if you have them.  Close your eyes, breathe naturally and relax while listening.  You will begin to feel peace or a blissful energy moving through you.  Enjoy!
Flying through Space
Sound of Heaven
Realm of Ecstasy
Kali's Roar
Infinite Goodness
Ocean of Nectar
Sound of Enlightenment Shaktipat Meditation Music
sound of enlightenment kip mazuy
kip mazuy meditation music
kip mazuy bliss music
kip mazuy sound of enlightenment
Sound of Enlightenment download
If you relaxed and listened on an empty stomach, you feel just from the samples a sense of peace or energy.  You might even say you feel a sense of bliss, yes?  This is the Shakti in the music.  Just about every sound you hear is emitting the energy of deep meditation.  It washes through your mind and body and awakens you into deep peace. 

Imagine How You Would Feel Listening for 10 Minutes, 20 Minutes, 30 Minutes...

Please know that this bliss energy is not something foreign to you.  It is already what you are at your essence.  But through the transmission of this music, you begin to feel it.  You can feel your natural state of peace. 

Instead of having to spend decades struggling in meditation, you can often feel peace and bliss instantly with this meditation music.

Whether you are interested in spiritual enlightenment, to deepen your meditation or just wanting more peace in your life, this music provides the peace in the form of energy to make this happen. 

Please note this music has nothing to do with binaural beats or any other "Brain entrainment."  This is Shakti, the natural energy of enlightenment, of infinite peace and joy.  It is the energy vibration of the One Infinite Bliss Consciousness.. 

Imagine being able to press "play" on your audio player and be bathed in deep peace and bliss.

You can listen to this meditation music on airplanes, trains, taxis, busses, walking through the mall and be in bliss!  Try walking in nature while listening to this music in your earbuds.  It's heaven!

You can even sleep to this music.  Imagine getting this peace for 7-8 hours a night.

But most of all, you can come home, play this music, close your eyes and let the music nurture and nourish you into deep peace and meditation.

Here's What Other Are Already Saying about
Sound of Enlightenment:

"Your Music Feels Like Becoming Wings. Pure Freedom.

I don't know how somebody can create such sounds.

This Incredible Music Feels like Heaven on Earth!

It is Such Grace for Humanity."

                                                                                                       (Martina Brodnjak, Germany)

"I just wanted to express how much I love your new album, the music on it, every track, and
the transmissions are all unique and beautiful, as is the artwork.

This is My Favourite Already, I Can Tell How Much Went into It,
It's A Masterpiece 😀

Vocals are awesome too!

I Felt a Real Settling of My Mind During this Morning's
Meditation, and a Calmness During the Day that Followed, Like
Nothing Would Phase Me.

I also seemed to be in a more loving mood and of kinder demeaner, appreciation of the
present moment, and it flowed."

                                                                                                        (Scott Campbell, Australia)

"Have already been listening to some of the tracks via the audio files. 

I Am Just Blown Away By Your Work.
I Am Going Very Deep Into Meditation With These,
Truly Your Best Music To Date! ❤"

                                                                                                            (Bradley Burningham, USA)

"Your new CD set is amazing!

I Find Peace in Them I Have Longed for Since my First Spiritual
Experience in my Teenage Years.

I just give in to the music and the energy, no techniques or methods.

Thank you so much!

                                                                                                              (Gabriel Blomqvist, Sweden)

"Your Music Feels Like
Becoming Wings. Pure

I don't know how somebody can
create such sounds.

This Incredible Music
Feels like Heaven on

It is Such Grace for Humanity."
(Martina Brodnjak, Germany)

"I just wanted to express how much I love
your new album, the music on it, every track,
and the transmissions are all unique and
beautiful, as is the artwork.

This is My Favourite Already, I
Can Tell How Much Went into
It, It's A Masterpiece 😀

Vocals are awesome too!

I Felt a Real Settling of My
Mind During this Morning's
Meditation, and a Calmness
During the Day that Followed,
Like Nothing Would Phase Me.

I also seemed to be in a more loving mood
and of kinder demeaner, appreciation of the
present moment, and it flowed."

(Scott Campbell, Australia)

"Have already been listening to some of the
tracks via the audio files. 

I Am Just Blown Away By Your

I Am Going Very Deep Into
Meditation With These, Truly Your
Best Music To Date! ❤"

(Bradley Burningham, USA)

"Your new CD set is amazing!

I Find Peace in Them I Have
Longed for Since my First
Spiritual Experience in my
Teenage Years.

I just give in to the music and the
energy, no techniques or methods.

Thank you so much!

(Gabriel Blomqvist, Sweden)

Sign Up to Receive The Free Weekly Meditation Teachings Including Free Ebooks & Videos ($197 Value) That Will Directly Help You Deepen Your Meditation & Experience of Bliss

You Will Also Have Access to The Free Online
Shakti Awakening Meditations with Kip

(Unsubscribe anytime)
silence meditation
Read Our Privacy Policy
Sign Up to Receive The Free Weekly Meditation Teachings Including Free Ebooks & Videos ($197 Value) That Will Directly Help You Deepen Your Meditation & Experience of Bliss

You Will Also Have Access to The Free Online
Shakti Awakening Meditations with Kip

(Unsubscribe anytime)

I even paid extra money to insure environmentally friendly CD packaging without any plastic trays.  This means you are reducing the carbon footprint!

You Can Have The Sound of Enlightenment 5 CD set
Now for only US$199

or 10 mp3 download for only US$189 US$127.

Or You Can Have 10 Flac Audio Files (Same Quality as Audio CDs)
for only US$199
Bonus # 1  E-book:  ($87 value:  Yours FREE)

3 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment

In this 28 page e-book, we go through the basics of meditation and how to get the
most out of this music.

Then I tell you some secrets about the individual tracks and how they were made.

Then we really explore the process of spiritual enlightenment and how meditation
and other spiritual practices can free you from ego/mind perception into perceiving
infinite joy.

- 10 Tips on how to get the most out of your meditations with this music.

- How long should you meditate, best posture for meditation.

- How to Deal with Anger

- The importance of upheaval in meditation and how to handle it.

- The purification practices that awaken you deeper into bliss.

- What is Enlightenment is and what is stopping you from realizing it.

- The 3 main factors to spiritual enlightenment.  Follow these 3 things
and you will realize your true self of infinite bliss.

- The 7 main blocks to feeling Shakti and growing in awareness.

- 21 everyday things you can do that sky rocket your awareness into joy.

Bonus # 2  E-book:  ($87 value:  Yours FREE)

Meditation Techniques Breathing Techniques,
Mantras & Chants for Spiritual Awakening

It is very rare that one reaches samadhi just through meditation.  Usually there
are a variety of practices like chanting, japa, breathing techniques that purify
your mind, body and energy channels and open your perception into Divine
States of awareness.

So in this ebook you will learn:

-4 Powerful & Proven Meditation techniques

-5 Powerful Mantras you can silently repeat and tips on how to use mantra to
be free from other thoughts.

-4 Prana/Breathing Techniques that I do at the start of my morning
meditation every day.  They only take a few minutes but purify your mind and
body so its easy to fall into deep meditation.

-2 Slow Prana/Breathing techniques to do for the first part of your
meditation.  Just doing one of these every day while listening to Sound
Enlightenment will take you into deep bliss.

-6 Different Mantras for Chanting.  These will purify and awaken you so the
light of consciousness can shine through.

Bonus # 3:  2 Videos on Prana/Breathing techniques: 
($47 value:  Yours FREE)

One video showing you how to do these breathing techniques.

-A second video guiding you into these breathing techniques and then deep

Bonus # 4:  3 Different Guided Meditations on mp3!
($97 value:  Yours FREE)

Let me guide you into deep meditation with the tracks from Sound of
Enlightnement underneath.

-One 18 minute meditation on allowing what is.  This meditation makes it easy for
everyone to go deep into peace.

-One 30 minute Devotional meditation on how the feeling of bowing inwardly frees
you from ego and opens your perception into Divine Joy. 

-One 20 minute meditation about letting go into freedom.   In this meditation you
learn to let go of everything you hold on to including the sense of individual self
you can experience the one consciousness that transcends everything.

These guided meditations make it easy for anyone to
go deep into deep meditation!

Bonus # 5:  14 mp3s for Chanting!
($37 value:  Yours FREE)

-6 mps teaching you how to pronounce the mantras

-8 Guided chants you can chant with me.  Most of these are only 5 minutes
long which you can repeat as many times as you like.  5 minutes of chanting is
easy for everyone and even 5 minutes a day can make a difference.

-The Secret Sri Vidya Mantra!: With an 11 minute guided chant of
this very powerful mantra on mp3.  Until now, I've only offered this to a few
private students.

-2 mp3s of devotional singing that awakens joy!  That may not sound like
your cup of tea until you feel how easy it is to feel goodness and joy singing with
them.  Spirituality is all about surrendering ego and awakening the joy that is
your essence!  This is how we become truly happy.

Bonus # 6  Consultations by Email (Usually $100/hour:  Yours FREE)

Have a problem in your life you are dealing with or just need clarification
with your meditation?  Send me an email and I will reply as soon as I can. 
Usually 24-48 hours tops. This allows you easy access to someone who has
realized the realm of Infinite Joy and can easily give you clarity and direction. 

Bonus # 6  Free Online Shakti Awakening Meditations with Me on the

Just sign up for free, click on the weblink at the time of the session and I will sit
with you on live audio stream.  I will guide you in a meditation, talk a little,
maybe answer people's questions, but the main part is the transmission of this
Shakti Energy that awakens you into deep meditation & bliss.

"I was on the session on Sunday & I honestly can say that I don't ever
remember a feeling of such peace & love wash over me. Ever." 

(Diana Alexander, US)
And with Sound of Enlightenment, You get all the teachings, practices and techniques to completely transform your meditations

including Guided Meditations, Meditation Techniques, Guided Breathing Techniques, Mantra, Chants, Teachings on Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment, Tools and Techniques That Will Insure You Are Getting The Maximum Bliss out of This Meditation Music.

Here Are a List of The Bonuses You Get for Free with Sound of Enlightenment:
Here is What You Will Receive:
spiritual enlightenment
meditation book
shakti music
sound of enlightenment kip mazuy
sound of enlightenment shaktipat
sound of enlightenment kundalini
sound of enlightenment meditation music
Bonus # 1  E-book:  ($87 value:  Yours

3 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment

In this 28 page e-book, we go through
the basics of meditation and how to
get the most out of this music.

Then I tell you some secrets about
the individual tracks and how they
were made.

Then we really explore the process of
spiritual enlightenment and how meditation
and other spiritual practices can free you from
ego/mind perception into perceiving infinite joy.

- 10 Tips on how to get the most out of your
meditations with this music.

- How long should you meditate, best posture
for meditation.

- How to Deal with Anger

- The importance of upheaval in meditation
and how to handle it.

- The purification practices that awaken you
deeper into bliss.

- What is Enlightenment is and what is
stopping you from realizing it.

- The 3 main factors to spiritual
enlightenment.  Follow these 3 things and
you will realize your true self of infinite bliss.

- The 7 main blocks to feeling Shakti and
growing in awareness.

- 21 everyday things you can do that sky
rocket your awareness into joy.

Bonus # 2  E-book:  ($87 value:  Yours

Meditation Techniques
Breathing Techniques,
Mantras & Chants for
Spiritual Awakening

It is very rare that one reaches
samadhi just through meditation. 
Usually there are a variety of
practices like chanting, japa,
breathing techniques that purify
your mind, body and energy
channels and open your
perception into Divine States of awareness.

So in this ebook you will learn:

-4 Powerful & Proven Meditation techniques

-5 Powerful Mantras you can silently repeat and
tips on how to use mantra to be free from other

-4 Prana/Breathing Techniques that I do at the
start of my morning meditation every day.  They
only take a few minutes but purify your mind and
body so its easy to fall into deep meditation.

-2 Slow Prana/Breathing techniques to do for
the first part of your meditation.  Just doing one
of these every day while listening to Sound
Enlightenment will take you into deep bliss.

-6 Different Mantras for Chanting.  These will
purify and awaken you so the light of
consciousness can shine through.

Bonus # 3:  2 Videos on Prana/Breathing
($47 value:  Yours FREE)

One video showing you how to do these breathing

-A second video guiding you into these breathing
techniques and then deep meditation.

Bonus # 4:  3 Different Guided
Meditations on mp3!
($97 value:  Yours FREE)

Let me guide you into deep meditation with
the tracks from Sound of Enlightnement

-One 18 minute meditation on allowing what is.  This
meditation makes it easy for everyone to go deep
into peace.

-One 30 minute Devotional meditation on how the
feeling of bowing inwardly frees you from ego and
opens your perception into Divine Joy. 

-One 20 minute meditation about letting go into
freedom.   In this meditation you learn to let go of
everything you hold on to including the sense of
individual self you can experience the one
consciousness that transcends everything.

These guided meditations make it
easy for anyone to go deep into
deep meditation!

Bonus # 5:  14 mp3s for Chanting!
($37 value:  Yours FREE)

-6 mps teaching you how to pronounce the

-8 Guided chants you can chant with me.  Most
of these are only 5 minutes long which you can
repeat as many times as you like.  5 minutes of
chanting is easy for everyone and even 5 minutes
a day can make a difference.

-The Secret Sri Vidya Mantra!: With
an 11 minute guided chant of this very
powerful mantra on mp3.  Until now, I've only
offered this to a few private students.

-2 mp3s of devotional singing that awakens
joy!  That may not sound like your cup of tea until
you feel how easy it is to feel goodness and joy
singing with them.  Spirituality is all about
surrendering ego and awakening the joy that is
your essence!  This is how we become truly

Bonus # 6  Consultations by Email (Usually
$100/hour:  Yours FREE)

Have a problem in your life you are dealing with or
just need clarification
with your meditation?  Send me an email and I will
reply as soon as I can.  Usually 24-48 hours tops.
This allows you easy access to someone who has
realized the realm of Infinite Joy and can easily
give you clarity and direction. 

Bonus # 6  Free Online Shakti Awakening
Meditations with Me on the Weekends.

Just sign up for free, click on the weblink at the
time of the session and I will sit with you on live
audio stream.  I will guide you in a meditation, talk
a little, maybe answer people's questions, but the
main part is the transmission of this Shakti Energy
that awakens you into deep meditation & bliss.

"I was on the session on Sunday & I
honestly can say that I don't ever remember
a feeling of such peace & love wash over me.

(Diana Alexander, US)
I even paid extra money to insure environmentally friendly CD packaging without any plastic trays.  This means you are reducing the carbon footprint!

Here is What You Will Receive:
meditation book
shakti music
The Sound of Enlightenment Shaktipat Meditation Music 5 CD set or 10 mp3/flac set with the newest Bliss Transmission (That's over 5 hours of meditation music to choose from.)

"3 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment"  E-book

"Meditation Techniques, Prana Breathing Techniques, Mantras & Chants" E-book - All the extra practices you need to go into the deepest states of meditation.

Guided 4 Prana Techniques to do at the start of your meditation including 2 videos.

3 X Guided Meditation MP3s Including a 30 minute Meditation, an 18 Minute "Allowing" Meditation and a 20 Minute "Letting Go into Freedom" Meditation

6 Mantra Chants including a guided version of the powerful "Sri Vidya" Mantra. Devotional Singing to awaken Joy.

That's Over 80 Minutes in Free MP3s Alone

Free Online Consultation

Free Access to the Group Meditation & Shakti Awakenings with Me Online
PS:  If you're still not sure, have a listen to the samples again, meditate with them, experience the peace you feel just by listening for a couple of minutes. 

All For Only US$137 for CDs
or US$127 for mp3s!
or US$137 for Flac!
You Will Be Very Happy You Did!

And thank you for your support! 

It allows me to keep making this music for you.

Much love,

Click Here to Have Your Sound of Enlightenment CDs Sent to Your Door
or Your Downloads Sent to Your Email!
Kip Mazuy
The Sound of Enlightenment Shaktipat Meditation Music 5 CD set or 10 mp3/flac set with the newest Bliss Transmission (That's over 5 hours of meditation music to choose from.)

"3 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment"  E-book

"Meditation Techniques, Prana Breathing Techniques, Mantras & Chants" E-book - All the extra practices you need to go into the deepest states of meditation.

Guided 4 Prana Techniques to do at the start of your meditation including 2 videos.

3 X Guided Meditation MP3s Including a 30 minute Meditation, an 18 Minute "Allowing" Meditation and a 20 Minute "Letting Go into Freedom" Meditation

6 Mantra Chants including a guided version of the powerful "Sri Vidya" Mantra. Devotional Singing to awaken Joy.

That's Over 80 Minutes in Free MP3s Alone

Free Online Consultation

Free Access to the Group Meditation & Shakti Awakenings with Me Online
PS:  If you're still not sure, have a listen to the samples again, meditate with them, experience the peace you feel just by listening for a couple of minutes. 

All For Only US$137 for CDs
or US$127 for mp3s!
or US$137 for Flac!
You Will Be Very Happy You Did!

And thank you for your support! 

It allows me to keep making this music for you.

Much love,

Kip Mazuy
Click Here to Have Your
Sound of Enlightenment
CDs Sent to Your Door
or Your Downloads
Sent to Your Email!


Don't be fooled by
illegal MP3s of Bliss Music on the internet by criminals, they are fake and will do more harm than good by listening to them.  Only if You Order Directly from This Website is It The Real Bliss Music CDs/mp3s.

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