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After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created meditation music that transmits to you the direct experience of bliss (Shakti) allowing you to experience deep states of meditation very quickly.
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How to Awaken into The State of No-Mind in Meditation
No-mind actually comes through relaxation.
You allow yourself to be exactly as you are. You allow the thinking, the emotions, the physical sensations; all of it until you get to the point where you are as you are, there is no judgment about it one way or the other.
When you come to the point of full allowing, everything simply is; there is no doing in it. Until you come to that point of total acceptance, the state of no-mind cannot happen. If you simply try and banish your thoughts through effort, there will be a 'you' that is trying to banish the thoughts. There will be a sense of resistance that will just reinforce your sense of separation.
So allow the thinking so that you are in the allowing of thinking not the content of thinking. And when you are in allowing, you are in awareness. The two go together.
In this awareness, thinking can happen but the content of the thinking is no longer relevant. What is relevant is awareness; the peace that is awareness. You will be naturally drawn into this peace. Your attention recognizes that this is home.
And in this deep peace, you begin to experience that thinking is part of awareness. It is just a flow of energy; a flow of energy that is peace; that is consciousness.
In this way, everything dissolves into consciousness. The content of thinking has now completely blurred. It is just peace, a flow of peace, a flow of consciousness.
This is no-mind.
No-mind is not no-thinking. It is realizing the source of mind, the source of thought.
The Source of Mind is No-Mind; Pure Consciousness, Pure Peace, Pure Light. As awareness deepens, thoughts may disappear all together. You can enter into the transcendental awareness where there is no thought.
This is another level of no mind.
But you cannot get there by trying to have no thoughts. It cannot happen through control. No-mind arises by itself in the full allowing of this moment.
As a practice, you can let go of thoughts as they arise. This is a form a self-inquiry to turn your attention back on to itself, back into awareness. As thoughts arise, you let them go.
Or as you advance in this practice, you remain in the place of not holding on to thoughts, of not holding on to anything. Thoughts can come and go but you never grab hold of them and therefore you never identify with them. You remain as the witness of them.
This is a good way to increase your awareness. But it is a practice and cannot directly take you into no-mind.
But what can happen with this practice is you grow in awareness but then come to the point where you fail; where you see you cannot get to no-mind through self-effort.
And in that realization, you surrender.
If you just surrender without the practice, the surrender may not be deep.
But when you start with a practice and then surrender, the surrender can be deep. And then in this surrender no-mind can happen.
How to Reach No-Mind in Meditation Part 2
"In meditation, become aware of how the mind avoids this moment.
How it looks just outside of this moment. Always looking for distraction.
The mind exists because it separates itself from this moment.
Even if you try through the mind to rest in this moment in meditation, you will see the mind remains separate from this moment.
It tries to do awareness; tries to think its way into meditation and thus remains separate from this moment.
So in order to be truly present, the mind must be surrendered.
When you are fully present in this moment, resting as awareness itself, there is no-mind.
When you detach yourself from thinking, first, personal thoughts disappear and there are just random impersonal thoughts that have nothing to do with your personal experience.
Then if you simply allow those to run without involvement, they also run out of energy.
But first is surrendering the mind, resting in no mind. Surrendering your attachment to the movement of thinking, surrendering your identification with perceiving this moment through thinking.
Just like you can stand in a room with a television on without actually watching the television, you can be aware in this moment, allowing thinking to be but remaining unaffected by it.
It simply becomes a flow of energy.
You let go of attaching yourself to thoughts and rest in your natural state of awareness.
And then you can remain resting in that natural state of no mind by surrendering any urge to move and resting as stillness itself.