Sign Up to Receive The Free Weekly Meditation Teachings That Will Directly Help You Deepen Your Meditation and Bliss Consciousness You Will Also Have Access to The Free Online Shakti Awakening Meditations with Kip
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created meditation music that transmits to you the direct experience of bliss (Shakti) allowing you to experience deep states of meditation very quickly.
Thousands of People Have Experienced Incredible States of Meditation, Bliss & Spiritual Awakenings While Meditating to His CDs Like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" & "Shakti Silence."
You Can Hear Samples of This Incredible "Kundalini Shakti Music" by clicking on the links below:
If you can realize bliss consciousness, then no matter what you experience outwardly, there will always be an underlying sense of bliss that takes care of everything.
"If you are one of the lucky ones, you have come to the conclusion that nothing in this world brings you ever lasting happiness.
That everything is changing; everything that comes eventually goes.
You are lucky because when you realize this, only then you are desperate enough to look for the bliss that underlies every experience regardless of the thoughts or emotions on top of it.
You will do the work required to experience this bliss. You will meditate, you will get Shakti as much as possible, you will eat healthy, live healthy and do the spiritual practices that help you awaken into bliss consciousness.
The bliss does not stop you from experiencing pain or pleasure. It does not stop you from challenges and it does not make you outwardly happy all of the time.
But if you awaken to this bliss and you value it, then your attention will naturally be drawn into it more and more. Your entire being will feel like it has come home, that it has become whole again and in this way, you fall in love with it.
In bliss consciousness, you will realize that this bliss is in everything and by immersing your attention in it, you are nurtured, you are loved, you are meditated, your are taken care of in a way that no person or outward experience can give you.
You ride the waves of life whether calm or stormy while anchored lovingly or surrendered in the quiet depths of bliss consciousness and this is what makes life fulfilling.
We easily get caught up in the beliefs about this technique or that technique; how to say a mantra correctly, or what is the right way to think or act and really its got nothing to do with any of this.
The right way is whatever way gets you to peace; gets you to bliss.
I remember when I first came into bliss consciousness. I was living with my first Guru. I had some great experiences, but my day to day experience was not happy.
I had spent so much of my life searching for some outer happiness and failed to sustain it. Living in the ashram was no different for me, even harder because all of those things I had looked for to make me happy were not available anymore! And so I was left with a very unsatisfied mind which never shut up about how unsatisfied it was.
And so very naturally, I turned to meditation to fill up any free time I had. And when I meditated during my breaks, I found I was in bliss and that bliss nurtured me, healed me and left me feeling content.
It helped me let go of my mind's constant urge to seek its concept of happiness because the bliss I was feeling fulfilled me.
Once you feel this connection to bliss then you have found your beloved and should remain there as much as you can.
And if you can’t find it after meditating, doing spiritual practice, receiving Shakti then surrender to what is, surrender to how you do feel. And that surrender will open you to peace.
Much love,
Listen to a Sample of This Kundalini Energy Awakening Music on Youtube