"The very nature of the ego, of feeling that you are separate from everything else is discontentment.
That sense of separation is suffering.
And so we try and fulfill this discontentment through adding things to our lives.
Whether it be material things like a new car, new shoes. Or a new romance, a new drama, another child, another television show, another drink, another drug, another spiritual concept.
Out of trying to feel more contentment, we end up adding and adding things on top of the discontentment instead of addressing the discontentment itself.
And the more we add, the more agitated our minds become. Our attention is pulled in so many directions that it becomes weak.
That is why the Sadhus renounced everything to live as simple and solitary as possible.
They removed all of the distractions so attention itself could become whole.
Because when attention becomes whole, there is only peace, only bliss, pure contentment.
But especially in the west where this is not part of our culture, it is very difficult to stop acquiring more and more.
Because there is that unconscious fear that all that is really here underneath the noise is discontentment and so we should add as much on top of it as we can.
But it is not true.
If you can become aware and only if you can become aware of the discontentment can separation dissolve and you can realize what is behind it, what is behind everything.
When you fully allow and are aware of the feeling of discontentment, you pass right through it into peace.
Because behind everything is pure peace, pure joy. The silence itself is fulfillment.
And so if you you simplify your life and live a life of awareness, then everything you let go of gets filled with silence, gets filled with bliss.
You realize the silence itself is contentment.
I am not saying you should become a renunciant, but rather to recognize that your essence is bliss, is supreme love, supreme joy.
And the easiest way to realize this contentment is to have as few distractions in front of it as possible.
To simplify your life and only keep the things close to you that matter the most.
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created meditation music that transmits to you the direct experience of bliss (Shakti) allowing you to experience deep states of meditation very quickly.
Thousands of People Have Experienced Incredible States of Meditation, Bliss & Inner Peace While Meditating to His CDs Like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" & "Shakti Silence."
You Can Hear Samples of This "Shakti Meditation Music" by clicking on the links below:
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