Released into Silence:
Realizing Pure Consciousness
"The obsessing over doing & thinking
is what keeps you stuck on the surface
where everything is busy, stressful & separate.
If you fixate on your thoughts
as being something important
or you fixate on trying to do this moment,
trying to control this moment even in meditation,
you end up with the same separation,
the same dissatisfaction.
At this level, you are separate from peace
and no matter how much you move around
in that thinking and doing world,
you never get beyond that separation.
You never find satisfaction.
Only when you release your fixation
on thinking and trying to 'do' this moment
are you free from that level of experience.
It may take a lot of thinking and doing.
It may take a lot of spiritual practice, meditation & Shakti
before you come to that point where you are ready to surrender.
But once you do, you are released from separation
into the silence that is the foundation of all thought and action.
Silence lies undisturbed underneath it all.
And when you fall into silence,
you fall into the infinite pure consciousness
that is fulfillment itself.
You have not attained anything.
You as the doer & thinker, the self important subject
has simply fallen into the essence of this moment
and dissolved.
You still are just as you were before,
but your attention has been freed into attention itself
rather than having to fixate on an object.
And that attention is revealed to be infinite.
It is everywhere and everything
as one living consciousness.
Thinking and doing may continue
on the surface or it may not.
But when you are released into silence,
the surface noise no longer affects you.
The waves may be churning about on top,
but at the bottom of the ocean
there is only the vast deafening silence,
only pure consciousness,
pure, nurturing peace.
The key is to let your attention rest
in fulfillment/peace/awareness itself rather
than being fixated on thinking & being the doer.
Much love,

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Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
Please Note:
The Most Important Factor to Attaining Enlightenment is Receiving Shakti.
Shakti is the subtle energy felt as bliss that awakens you into enlightenment.
In the past, you could only receive Shakti directly from an enlightened master. But now, you can also receive Shakti through sound:
Simply by meditating to the Pure CDs, Infinite Sky CDs, the Shakti in the music naturally awakens you into your natural state of pure consciousness & bliss.
"In meditation,
allow thinking to happen.
Allow it to naturally happen without
any involvement in it whatsoever.
Then, in that allowing,
let your attention
sink below the mental noise
into the quiet depths
of pure consciousness.
Much love,
Meditation on Pure Consciousness:
Teachings on pure consciousness, spiritual silence, meditation & silence
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss & spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of pure consciousness.