Meditation: Moving from Mind Identification
to Pure Consciousness
"What is here in this moment?
If you close your eyes, what is your experience?
Not what the mind tells you,
not what the thoughts tell you,
but what is really here?
If you truthfully look and see what is here
you will see thoughts happening,
sensations happening,
you may see emotions happening,
but they are all arising & disappearing in consciousness.
You rest as the awareness
and out of this awareness comes a movement of energy
in the form of thoughts
and one thought is no different than another.
And this experience of awareness
has no boundaries,
has no sense of separation.
It is formless, it is limitless,
it is all encompassing
and it's nature is peace, bliss & love.
Bliss is not something on top of it,
rather it is the actual experience of awareness.
Now let your attention
get involved with the content of the thoughts.
Notice what happens when you do this.
Notice the feeling of contraction that happens,
the sense of separation that happens.
At first, you may still be rooted in consciousness
and so the bliss is there.
But once you lose that awareness of consciousness
and become the thoughts completely,
become the owner of those thoughts,
then you separate yourself from peace.
Saying this
everyone has their own comfort level
of being in consciousness.
The majority of people want
nothing to do with consciousness,
because their reality is their thinking
and to let go of that reality means to enter an abyss
that they associate with death.
And so the majority of people
are defending their thoughts by any means possible,
because they define who they are.
If you can protect your thoughts
and feelings as the ultimate truth,
then there is that sense of personal self
and power over everything outside of yourself.
But once life pulls the rug from underneath you
and it always does,
do you still cling on to thoughts
having meaning & importance,
or do you surrender?
When does the stress level get so high
that you are willing to let go of your position?
When does suffering become so intense,
that you are willing to give up your position
and experience what is truly here?
That thoughts are arising,
emotions are arising.
Everything is as it is.
In this you give up this sense of you
that needs to protect a position in thinking
and you become positionless.
That contraction in being a fixed point
of "me" releases and suddenly you
relax into your natural state of consciousness.
You finally allow yourself to be
what you were all along.
You rest in the silence that you have been resisting
and find it is actually what you are.
And not only it is what you are,
it is the peace and love that you
have been craving the whole time.
Much love,
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss & spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of inner peace.
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Teachings on meditation, mind & consciousness
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
Please Note:
The Easiest & Most Effective Way to Realize Pure Consciousness is through Shakti the Energy That Awakens You Into Deep Meditation & Enlightenment.
Usually you receive Shakti though an enlightened master
but you can also receive it through sound:
Just by Listening to The CDs Pure or Infinite Sky, the Shakti in the Music Naturally Awakens You our ot Mind Identification & into Deep Meditation & Bliss.