Meditation & Energy:
Please Note:
The easiest way to awaken yourself to this flow of energy
is through Shaktipat, the energy one naturally radiates
in the highest states of enlightenment.
In the past you could only receive Shaktipat through a fully enlightened master, but now you can also receive Shaktipat
through sound.
By listening to CDs like Infinite Sky or The Pure Shakti CDs, you receive "Shakti" & are naturally awakened into deep meditation and bliss.
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Kundalini Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very easily.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss and spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of peace.
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Teachings on meditation, energy, shakti, tao, dharma, prana, chi
How to Experience Everything As Energy
"There is a natural flow of movement
that is happening in everything.
This flow of energy
cannot be manipulated or controlled,
nor can it be intellectually
understood or analyzed.
But you can align
yourself with this flow of energy through awareness
until eventually you realize
and experience yourself as this flow of energy.
If you can be clear enough in this moment
to be fully aware of what is happening,
you will feel this flow of energy
and recognize how it exists and moves
in every part of your experience.
Your thinking is a flow of energy,
your emotions are a flow of energy,
your physical happenings
like hunger, breathing, sleep, exercise,
all naturally move as this flow of energy.
And with awareness,
with allowing everything to be as it is
while witnessing,
you will begin to experience all of these
movements of energy
as one all encompassing flow of energy.
But the tendency
is to try and control the movements
and manipulate them.
To try to hold on to one thought or feeling
and push something else away.
To try to make things to be a certain way
according to your beliefs and desires.
And all of this results in unhappiness
because you are fighting this natural flow.
Or you simply distract yourself from this moment
so that you do not experience life in this moment at all.
Or you remain in the intellectual mind.
You remain in definitions,
descriptions and judgments
so that you do not recognize the energy that is everything.
So meditation
is becoming aware of what is here
at the most fundamental level possible.
So at first you are aware of the physical,
you are aware of the emotions,
you are aware of the thoughts.
And then in this awareness
of watching things come and go in attention,
without holding on to anything
or pushing anything away,
you begin to experience everything
as this flow of energy.
It all becomes one flow of energy.
It feels blissful, it feels nurturing.
It has a feeling of goodness about it
yet it is quite powerful at the same time.
It is this flow of energy
that draws you into deeper and deeper
levels of awareness and bliss
without you having to do anything
besides allowing your attention to rest in that.