Love Devotion Surrender
The Fastest Way to Heart Awakening
"Find a way to love this moment.
Find a way to become devotional to this moment.
In all honesty, this is the fastest way to joy.
If you look to get something out of this moment,
then there will always be separation.
There will always be you, what you want
and what is in the way of what you want.
And that is living in conflict.
Not that you should not have desires.
But that frame of mind
of "what can I get from this moment
by giving as little as possible" is the suffering.
It is why fast food is so popular,
technological distractions are so popular.
Why there are so many people addicted to alcohol, drugs etc.
That eternal suffering of wanting instant gratification
regardless of the long term consequences
just creates more and more unhappiness.
So you can learn to simply be in this moment
without trying to get anything out of it.
You can learn to witness this moment.
You can learn to rest in your essential nature of just being.
These are very good.
You can also surrender
and allow this moment to be as it is;
this begins to open up your heart.
When you really allow this moment to be as it is
and allow feeling, allow sensations
to be as they naturally are,
this opens you up.
It opens you up to deep peace
and it opens you up to love.
Then when you surrender,
you fully allow this moment to be
yet at the same time
you love this moment,
you honor this moment,
you respect this moment,
you internally bow to this moment.
Then you really find joy.
Then you are no longer stuck
in the trying to get something out of this moment
and you are no longer fixed
on trying to transcend this moment.
The ego is completely out of the picture.
This feeling of love and devotion is not emotion,
it is rather an opening of your heart to all that is.
Then it is about
'how can I live this love in every movement.'
And you do that
through giving your attention to this moment.
And you will see all of the stuff that comes up
that separates you from this moment.
All of the judgments,
all of the mental noise that separates you from love
and you learn to surrender it
to this moment like an offering.
Life becomes about
how respectful and loving
can I be to this moment.
How can every action
resonate in the essential love and peace
that is underneath all action.
Not because the action itself
demonstrates something peaceful,
but because you are giving yourself
completely to that action in love and peace.
From the heart
you really recognize the joy
of such love and devotion.
It fulfills you in a way
that nothing else can.
You will see how silly it is
to look to attain something in the future
when this very moment is sacred.
Much love,
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss & spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of inner peace.
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Teachings on love devotion surrender as a path to heart awakening
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Please Note:
The Easiest Way To Awaken Your Heart into Love Joy & Devotion is Shakti, the Energy that Awakens You into Enlightenment.
In the past, you could only receive Shakti though an enlightened Guru but now you can also receive it through sound:
Just by Listening to The Pure & Infinite Sky CDs, the Shakti in the Music Naturally Awakens You into Deep Meditation & Bliss.