After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss and infinite consciousness while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of inner peace.
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Infinite Consciousness
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
Please Note:
The easiest and most effective way for you to reach infinite consciousness is to receive Shakt, the energy vibration that awakens you into deep meditation and enlightenment.
In the past, you could only receive Shakti though an enlightened Guru but now you can also receive it through sound:
Just by Listening to The Infinite Sky or The Pure Shakti CDs, the Shakti in the Music Naturally Awakens You into Deep Meditation & Bliss.

"In outward seeking and desiring
you are always chasing
what is seemingly ahead of this moment.
You are always looking
to be satisfied in the future.
So the very experience of outward seeking
will always be discontentment.
It cannot be any other way
because satisfaction
is always just ahead of you,
just in front of you.
Like the man on the donkey cart
holding the carrot just in front of donkey
so it keeps walking,
no matter how much the donkey walks
the carrot is always just out of reach.
So in desire,
there is that constant resistance
to being here;
to seeking the illusion
of what is in front of this moment for fulfillment.
But if you stop moving your attention
in front of this moment
and allow it to rest in this moment,
then the idea of
satisfaction/dissatisfaction disappears.
There is only what is.
And the more you rest in what is,
the more this moment opens up
into incredible new dimensions of reality.
You move beyond the confines of this
separate sense of me
into that which has no boundaries,
that which has no solidity.
You move into infinite consciousness,
consciousness that is not limited to time,
to form, to definitions.
This very moment is this consciousness.
Letting go of your seeking
and resting in this moment
is the doorway
to infinite consciousness.
How to Realize Infinite Consciousness