How to Be Free of The Ego
Please Note:
To be free of the ego, you need Shakti, the energy that awakens you into deep meditation & enlightenment.
Usually Shakti is transmitted by an enlightened meditation master
but it now can also be transmitted through sound.
By meditating to CDs like Infinite Sky or The Pure Shakti CDs
you receive Shakti and automatically begin to experience deep meditation & bliss and the ego naturally dissolves in that feeling of bliss.
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss and expanding consciousness while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of peace.
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Teachings on how to be freeof the ego, free ego, i am,
"To be free from the ego and all its suffering,
it is most important to first awaken yourself
to what you truly are in this moment
and then take refuge in that.
If you keep your attention
on the sensation of existing in this moment
or the feeling of Shakti-bliss,
then you remain free
of the illusion of being a separate "me."
But once you get caught up in thoughts & emotions
and claim them to be what you are,
then you have created an illusory maze
that you try to think your way out of.
But how can you get out of a maze
that only exists in thinking?
Any trying to figure it out,
trying to think your way out of it
only empowers the illusion of the maze even more.
In this identification, you can easily be manipulated.
You can easily believe the latest electronic gadget,
a new car, a new therapy or a new relationship
is the answer to the feeling
of dissatisfaction that comes with
feeling separate from everything.
The more involved you get
in the thinking world,
the further you get tangled up in it
and the harder it will be to experience
the peace that you truly are.
All that is needed to be free
is to allow the thoughts and emotions
to be as they are
and turn your attention towards true happiness.
Turn your attention
to the eternal unconditional bliss
that exists beyond the thinking.
You cannot find it in thinking,
you cannot find it in emotion.
You have to keep your attention
resting on the truth of what is here:
the truth that you are, existence is.
Not the idea of it but to actually feel it,
let your attention rest in being itself;
in bliss itself.
And if you do not feel this truth
then use a technique
such as silently repeating "I am"
and focusing on the feeling that you are.
And let yourself be immersed in Shakti
so that you feel the energy of bliss
moving through you and as you.
you're stuck in the thinking world
and all of its self-created problems.
You're stuck in an illusory conflict
where there is no resolution.
It is just more and more distraction
away from the true freedom that you are.
This very moment is the freedom.
Realizing what is truly here is the freedom.
But it is so easy to let your attention
fall into thinking and get lost in believing
that is what you are.
You have to keep bringing your attention
back to what is truly here
and allowing your attention to remain in that.
Much love,