Cure for Unhappiness:
Unhappiness Cannot Exist in This Moment
"It is impossible to be unhappy in this moment.
If you are aware, surrendered completely in this moment
then you are free from unhappiness.
Unhappiness only comes from your involvement with thoughts
about the past and future.
You remember bad things that happened
or you anticipate bad things that might happen.
Without thinking about the past & future,
there is only this moment, there is only consciousness.
There is only bliss.
So the real cure for unhappiness is to learn to be present in this moment.
At first you may need a meditation technique,
something the mind can focus on to help keep you present,
like repeating a mantra like "I am" or noticing the feeling of your breath
or to at least keep returning your attention to the present.
But after a while you can just surrender into the present moment.
You can learn to let go of attaching yourself to thinking
and remain resting in presence; the presence that transcends unhappiness.
The presence that transcends time. The presence that is pure peace.
Once you see your unhappiness is self created through thinking,
you can learn to transcend thought and be as you truly are in this moment.
You can allow yourself to rest in your natural state of conscious peace
completely free of unhappiness.
Much love,
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss & spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of inner peace.
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Teachings on love and silence, consciousness & energy as paths to spiritual awakening
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Please Note:
You Can Often Instantly Experience Deep Peace & Joy Just By listening to Some Very Unique Meditation Music that Transmits the Actual Sound Vibration of Deep Meditation & Inner Peace
Just by Listening to the CDs Pure, Infinite Sky & The Calling, you are awakened into deep states of meditation, love and peace. This is the most effective cure for unhappiness.