Consciousness And Energy:
Please Note:
Shakti is the energy of pure consciousness felt as bliss that directly awakens you into deep meditation & enlightenment.
In the past you could only receive Shaktit through a fully enlightened Guru, but now you can also receive the transmission of Shakti
through sound.
By listening to CDs like Infinite Sky or The Pure Shakti CDs, you receive Shakti & are naturally awakened into deep meditation and bliss.
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Kundalini Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very easily.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation, bliss and spiritual awakenings while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of peace.
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Teachings on energy consciousness, consciousness & energy, meditation

"In meditation and in awareness
you are allowing everything to move back into
its essential nature of energy.
You are allowing everything to dissolve back
into the one energy consciousness that makes up everything.
When this energy contracts, it becomes an individual form.
It becomes something separate from everything else.
Take desire for an example:
Desire itself is energy, a constant flow of energy.
Say, from that constant flow of energy
comes the specific desire that you want an ice-cream.
That desire first is energy.
And in energy it contracts into both a thought and a feeling.
And when you identify with the thoughts & feelings
you are bound by them, they become a part of who you are.
And then when you act on that thought
and get an ice-cream, it contracts into form:
there is the ice-cream, the eating of the ice-cream,
the cost of eating the ice-cream
and the cause & effect of eating the ice-cream.
There is a whole series of happenings that come into play
and the energy that was behind that desire is no longer felt
because it has contracted into form.
You no longer feel it as energy;
you feel the gross experience of it
and are seemingly trapped in
the world of solid and separate forms.
On the other hand, if you repress that desire and try to fight it
then the energy behind it builds up
and it is felt as stress and conflict.
But if you allow the desire to be
without giving into it and not fighting it;
If you allow the thoughts around it
and feelings around it to be without involvement,
then both the thoughts and the feelings
dissolve back into the nondual flow of energy.
They dissolve into the natural flow of energy that is desire
and then dissolve into the natural flow of energy
that is transcendent of desire,
that is pure consciousness.
So once you really awaken your awareness
to this flow of Shakti/energy and you feel it,
you will begin to become aware
that everything is arising out of energy.
You will also become aware
of the urge to create separation
with everything that arises out of it.
But through simply allowing
whatever forms or experiences
to arise out of it without involvement,
they dissolve back into their purest form as energy.
It all dissolves back into
the one consciousness that you are
and you become free.
you learn to just remain in this allowing.
You learn to remain resting in this nondual awareness
so that everything whether manifested into form or not
remains as energy.
It all becomes bliss, the energy of consciousness.
Much love,