Dissolving into Bliss Consciousness
Please Note:
The fastest and most effective way to bliss consciousness is by receiving Shakti, the energy that awakens you into deep meditation & enlightenment.
Usually Shakti is transmitted by an enlightened Guru
but it now can also be transmitted through sound.
By meditating to CDs like Infinite Sky or The Pure Shakti CDs
you receive Shakti and automatically begin to experience deep meditation & bliss consciousness.
Experience The Bliss for Yourself:
After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created a revolutionary sound technology that transmits Shakti to the listener through sound, allowing you to experience deep states of meditation & bliss very quickly regardless of which meditation technique you practice.
Thousands of people have reported experiencing incredible states of meditation & bliss consciousness while meditating to his CDs like "Infinite Sky," "Pure" and "The Calling."
Kip is also known for his no-nonsense teachings on meditation and self realization and meditates with people all over the world to help awaken them to their natural state of unity consciousness.
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Teachings on bliss consciousness, freedom from suffering, unity consciousness
"There are 2 ways of falling in love:
One is all about you.
Will they love me, will they kiss me,
will they marry me. Am I good enough.
This type of falling in love is suffering.
We've all done it.
We've all suffered because of it.
The second type of falling in love
is when it is all about them.
You want to do everything for them,
you want to love them,
you only think about them
sing songs in praise of them.
There is the story of the man taking off his coat
and laying it over the mud puddle
so the lady can pass without getting dirty:
This is the other falling in love.
This kind of falling in love you forget yourself.
You lose yourself in love.
And in that, you are enraptured in bliss.
And that is how meditation should be.
If you make it about you, what you can get out of it,
then you will never really touch real meditation.
You will only feel separation.
Enlightenment means being free of yourself.
Not rid of yourself, just free of yourself.
Your personality, your desires,
your fears, your imperfections,
all of that is left to be as it is.
But that contraction into identifying
with these things has been surrendered.
That urge to identify with the past and claim 'this is me'
is surrendered moment to moment.
You remain new, born in this very moment.
Because in being free of this obsession with 'me'
the boundaries are dropped and
you realize yourself to be the whole;
you realize infinite peace.
Because this me,
the one that wants to get something out of it,
the one that wants to know it, to own it, to control it, to do it;
that is the suffering.
So the real joy in meditation
is not attaining some experience,
it is losing yourself.
It is in dissolving into this moment
so that there is only bliss consciousness.
You do not change. You are not altered in any way.
You are there just as you were before.
But in the relaxation of that,
you move past the duality of being
a me in opposition to everything else
and dissolve into everything as pure conscious bliss.
It is not separate from you,
it is just not bound by you.