Spiritual Enlightenment
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Teachings on Meditation & Spiritual Enlightenment
Spiritual Enlightenment is not a change in your mental or intellectual perception, it is an energetic shift and realization that happens at the very depth of your being. You cannot simply think your way into it. Something happens at the level of energy that completely transforms you over a period of time that cannot be understood by the mind.
If you ever had the opportunity to sit with a fully enlightened master, you know that just by sitting in their presence, automatically, you experienced deep, blissful states of meditation. Regardless of the words spoken, something much deeper was happening.
And if you could remain in such enlightened presence, everything that keeps you from experiencing the truth begins to dissolve. All the obstacles to realizing bliss dissolve.
But most westerners are uncomfortable with having a "Guru" or simply don't have the time or option to find someone who is fully enlightened and can transmit such presence to them on a daily basis.
This is why I have developed Audio CDs that transmit such enlightened presence to you. Through very special audio equipment, I record this energy vibration of enlightenment often called "shaktipat," "kundalini shakti," or "deeksha" and turn it into sound. This enables you to experience enlightened states of awareness & bliss often within minutes which you probably could not have experienced after decades of practice on your own.
I often get the question "Can't I just do it on my own?"
And the question is, why would you want to struggle on your own for years when you could begin to experience it now? In fact the very attempt to "do it on my own" can often reinforce the ego, the sense of being a separate doer.
Too many people seeking freedom end up stuck in their ideas and knowledge about enlightenment. Their ideas and knowledge end up being a hindrance to their awareness rather than being helpful. But this enlightened energy awakens you at the very core of your being. It awakens you from the inside out.
Simply by playing one of these CDs, a true state of enlightened awareness is awakened in you, beyond any teaching or belief system.
I am not here to tell you that these CDs are the only way to Spiritual Enlightenment. But I am inviting you to have a listen to some of the samples and see for yourself.
Because if have a listen to the samples and read some of the testimonials from people who meditate to the CDs, you will probably find like so many others that this music can change your life. These CDs have already awakened so many to unconditional peace and can awaken the same peace and bliss in you. Even just by listening to the samples.

If You Are New to Meditation or Want to Try a Single CD with The Shakti Sound Technology: Try Ocean Euphoric.
It comes with a book that easily explains to you what is awareness & how to meditate.
The Newest Meditation CDs with The Latest Shakti Sound Technology is The Pure Shakti 5 CD set:
It is currently our best seller
& comes with tons of bonuses including guided meditations, breathing & chanting techniques
The Infinite Sky Meditation CDs for Spiritual Enlightenment are also very poplular
If You Prefer to Meditate in Silence but Would Still Like to Have the Shakti Transmission,
Try Shakti Silence
By listening to the CDs, Shakti is awakened in you. Often it is felt as a vibration of peace or bliss. Just by letting your attention rest in the feeling of bliss, the bliss itself awakens you into deep meditation. Then it is just allowing, allowing yourself to experience what is here in this moment, without judging it, or defining it, or describing it, just simply feeling it.
Proven thousands of times over, these CDs will awaken in you your true nature of unconditional peace, bliss & love, making the whole process of spiritual transformation much easier.
I also offer free online Shakti Awakening Meditations/Satsangs. It is best if you are already meditating with the CDs before joining a session as you will get much more out of the sessions but everyone is welcome. Sign up to receive the free meditation teachings above to be notified of upcoming sessions.
Spiritual Enlightenment Quotes:
Below are tons of teachings on meditation & spiritual enlightenment that you might find helpful.
If you have any sincere questions about meditation or spiritual awakening you are welcome to contact me and I will be happy to help if I can.
Nothingness Quotes
Conscious & Awareness Quotes
Meditation & Devotion Quotes
Meditation & Shakti
Surrender Quotes
Tao Quotes
Meditation Techniques & Teachings
Meditation Experiences
What is Spiritual Enlightenment?
There are many definitions of spiritual enlightenment. But in my experience, enlightenment is the realization that there is One Infinite Light, Infinite Bliss, Infinite Consciousness that is the essence of everything. It is eternal. And although it is the essence of everything, it remains transcendent of everything as pure Divine Bliss.
At this level, there is no suffering, no desire, no sense of individual self, there is just pure Divine Joy. In realizing this, you realize this is who you truly are and what everything is. Everything is made of one Infinite Joy.
Spiritual Enlightenment Experience:
The best I can describe it is when I go completely beyond all sense of self, there is only Infinite Joy. It is not that I feel joyful, or I have attained joy. It is that the sense of being an individual self/ego is gone and there is only Joy. There is only Infinite goodness and bliss that could only be called Divine.
When you go beyond yourself, you are not dead, you are still there. You are just in your most essential form which is no form at all. You exist in your natural state as pure Infinite Consciousness that is Bliss.
The word 'you' in this is paradoxical. Because there is no you. There is no focus on you or perceiving from a sense of separate self. That level of perception is gone and it is all just Joy. This is where devotion and worship really comes into play. Because when you get close to this, you fall in love with it deeply. You cannot even call it an it, you feel it as Divine. You are deeply attracted to this bliss in a way that cannot be described in words and your attention lets go of everything to become fully absorbed into joy.
There is the western myth that spiritual enlightenment is just some sense of impersonal being or impersonal consciousness. Although we do go through a stage where we experience this, the truth is consciousness at the transcendental level is Infinite Bliss, Infinite Love. It is felt as Divine. How can Infinite love be impersonal? It is deeply personal. It is simply ego-less.
If we want to look at enlightenment more scientifically, a different part of our brain become activated. The part of our brain where we perceive from ego, from a sense of me shuts down and a different part of our brain is activated where we perceive everything from the one Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Bliss, Infinite Goodness. Everything we see is part of that Infinite Consciousness.
How to Realize Spiritual Enlightenment:
First understand that enlightenment is not some change in your thinking or beliefs. It is a transformation that happens at th.
The most important part of my journey has been being in the presence of authentic enlightened teachers.