Ambient Meditation Music Including
New & Powerful Shakti tracks
to Deepen Your Experience of Bliss!
"Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace" Is my "Secret"
Collection of Meditation Music That You Have to Hear!
Ambient Meditation Music
that Transmits The Energy of Bliss.
They include Powerful Shakti Tracks that were meant for Radiance, Pure, Shakti Silence and The Calling but were never finished until now, as well as older gems that have been re-mastered with the Shakti Sound Technology to help bring you into deep states of peace.
If you are looking for new Shakti Meditation Music to deepen your meditation and experience of bliss, there is brand new exquisite bliss-inducing Shakti meditation music to keep you happy!
These are the tracks I have been meditating with during my Shakti Meditations.
And if you are lovers of my older CDs like Now is Forever, Beautiful Sound, Sweet Nectar of Silence & Nurturance, there are a collection of archived tracks that were made during this same time period. All of which have their own story to tell and have been remastered with the latest Shakti Sound vibrations so you can experience deep peace while listening.
The Newest & Most Powerful
Shakti Meditation Music Ever
Allows You to Experience
Profound States
of Peace & Bliss
"Radiance" Transmits The Energy of Spiritual Awakening
In A Way That Has Never Been Done Before.
Nothing Comes Close to What These CDs/mp3s Can Do!
Experience The Difference for Yourself! Listen to The Free Samples Below:
"Tears of gratitude streamed down my face this morning as your voice
and music like a pillow lifted me to the bottom of the present moment
where I melted in the Bliss and Peace. Your new CD's are amazing!"*
(Jitka Slamova, Czech Republic)
"I'm astonished! The shakti within the music is more powerful than
anyone that I have received in the past years from Gurus. How it is
possible ?"*
(Olivier C., France)
"Sometimes I sit for what felt like a few minutes yet a few hours pass and I
keep hitting the play button over and over.
I am so amazed at you and your work. "*
(James Sinclair, Canada)
" I have listened to the ‘Bliss Realm’ track off the Radiance album and
Wow! It is amazing - I am so filled with love, I am overwhelmed with
the feeling of love, it is uncontrollable and so welcomed. "*
(Anusha Mothilall, S. Africa)

Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace is a 4 CD set (21 tracks) of meditation music which you can also have as mp3 downloads.
Here's the story: I have all of this amazing meditation music I've kept to myself over the last 20 years. I've wanted to publish them but the tracks either were never finished or I didn't have room for them on the album I was publishing at the time so these tracks have remained a secret until now.
I've spent the last 6 months going through my archives, finding the tracks that I absolutely wanted you to hear .
But as I got into it, I discovered all of these unfinished Shakti tracks that were meant for Radiance, Pure, Shakti Silence and The Calling. These tracks radiated beautiful bliss. They just needed finishing. And that gave me an excuse to get back into the studio which is where I love to be.
So What Was Meant to Be Just a Collection of Unpublished Music, Became A Lot of New Shakti Meditation Music Tracks That Transmit Profound Bliss in Their Own Right.
Let's get right into the music. I've put the time of each track next to the titles and the stories behind each the tracks:
The first 3 tracks were made for Radiance but were never finished until now. They have become incredibly powerful Shakti Meditation Tracks. 2 of them were influenced by my recent trip to San Francisco Bay. Listening to them, you might feel you are there!
I actually meditated with the original version of "Glorious" for 10 hours straight on a flight from Auckland to LA several years ago. This new version is 10 times more blissful than that original.
Have a listen:
Please Note: (It's best to not eat or drink anything besides water at least an hour prior to listening so you can feel the subtle energy in the music. Then when you listen, just relax and you will begin to feel peace or bliss moving in or around your body. This is the Shakti. It will make you very blissful! Listen with a good pair of speakers or headphones.
Glorious (26:06)
Bayside (25:05)
Starsong (15:50)
"Sun Salutations" was the original Shakti track I made to go on The Calling. But The Calling took years to make and probably 50 tracks were made in those years and I simply forgot about this track!
But it's beautiful, serene and transmits palpable peace. It's very special. Have a listen:
Sun Saluations (13:42)
"Mystic" was my favorite track to go on the New Shakti Silence CDs/mp3s but I just couldn't get it right in time for publishing.
I was obsessed with it and kept working on it after releasing Shakti Silence and took it out again to work on it these last few months and now its one of my favorite Shakti tracks on this album.
If you listen closely, you might subtly hear me chanting Sanskrit in a Kali temple in India. The energy of me chanting in this amazing temple was really incredible so I put it in the background. This is one amazing Shakti meditation music track!
Mystic (21:41)
These next 2 Shakti tracks were created after the original Shakti Silence as a new Shakti Album. They use a ten minute loop that had over 30 different sounds in it. In "Dreamtime," the loop was slowed down to half its speed. It's quite mesmerizing to meditate with. These tracks have really nice Shakti.
Who's to Know (16:08)
Dreamtime (14:20)
"Domincan Mornings" is just a really nice musical track from before The Calling that I added a little Shakti to.
Domincan Mornings (6:51)
"Magpie Mornings" is from back when there were lots of "Ambient Music" record labels. One of those labels asked for a track of mine to put on a compilation they were releasing. This was the track they used. Here it is re-mastered with a little Shakti in the background.
Magpie Mornings (9:06)
"Peripheral" was done around the same time as "Dominican Mornings" They both along with "Breathe" were to go on their own album that was never released because The Calling took over all of my focus.
Peripheral (10:18)
"Seashores" was from the first year I lived on the west coast of New Zealand 20 years ago. What sounds like an ocean is a recording of the wind outside my house on a stormy day. You can hear the Myna birds and the windchimes that were on our porch.
I've re-mastered this with some Shakti. It makes a really beautiful meditation :)
Seashores (12:36)
"Beyond Gravity" was a favorite of mine when I did it 19 years ago but my lady friend thought it was too "Ambient."
Perfect fit for "Ambient Meditations" then! Remastered with Shakti.
Beyond Gravity (6:52)
"Dreamy Meditation" was one of the first tracks I made when I arrived in New Zealand. Remastered with Shakti.
Dreamy Meditation (9:40)
"Nightdrift was made for Pure but was too short so I never finished it until now. The particular bliss energy on this track was never used on any other track. It transmits beautiful peace and silence.
Nightdrift (9:58)
"Birdsong" was actually published before by a record label that published a piano CD of mine. I called the track "Cars and Birds" but they didn't like the title and suggested "Birdsong." Wasn't what I would name it but it made them happy :) I will publish a piano music CD on my own Bliss Music label soon.
You might not think cars driving by is meditative but it certainly is along with the birds in this track. Now with Shakti. Have a listen:
"Birdsong" (Cars & Birds) (10:29)
"Innocence" is a very short track I made many years ago. I was working on another piece in which I had to make a sample of a panflute. I recorded the panflute my first Guru had given me and sampled it to my keyboard and out came this gorgeous piece while I was playing around with the panflute and a female choir.
It is not deep meditation music and is the only piece I did not put Shakti on in this album because it would have ruined the piece.
It is imperfect but so beautiful it might move you to tears. I have wanted to publish this for a long time. Have a listen:
"Innocence" (2:26)
"Ave Maria" is actually 2 tracks put together.
One track was made for Radiance. The other track I made for the new Shakti Silence album but it wasn't finished in time.
By weaving the first track into the second, it turned it into something new and beautiful and transmits beautiful Shakti and peace.
Have a listen:
"Ave Maria" (9:28)
17 years ago , my friend Steve commisioned me to make a music track for his meditation. It was right after my initial spiritual awakening and you can really feel it in this track. I've added some contemporary Shakti Sound Vibrations to it. It makes for a very blissful half-hour meditation.
"Bliss Meditation" (30:46)
I made "What Moves at Night" for my album "Beautiful Sound" but it just didn't fit perfectly with the other tracks on the album. But its a gorgeous Ambient Meditation piece and I figured I would put it on a later album. 19 years later I am finally doing that. Re-mastered with the Shakti Sound Vibrations.
"What Moves at Night" (10:42)
"Breathe I talked about above. It was part of several tracks that would be their own album but then I got working on The Calling. Still beautiful meditation music.
"Breathe" (8:19)
"Liberate" (7:03)
"Liberate" was done around the time of Now is Forever but didn't fit with the rest of the tracks. More passionately blissful than for deep meditation but a really nice piece of music.
"Ambient Meditations for Inner Peace" Gives You Over Four and a Half Hours of Blissful Meditation Music.
Over 2 and a Half Hours is Deep and Powerful Shakti Meditation Music, great for those interested in Spiritual Awakening or just wanting to go deep into bliss and meditation.
The other two hours is beautiful ambient meditation music I have re-mastered and added some Shakti Sound Vibrations to make them very peaceful and blissful to listen to. Many of these tracks are also great for deep meditation.
Ambient Meditation Music 1997-2018
Including New & Powerful
Shakti tracks to Deepen
Your Bliss!
"Ambient Meditation Music for
Inner Peace" Is my "Secret"
Collection of Meditation Music
That You Have to Hear!
(Free Samples Below)
(Listen to Free Samples Below)
They include Powerful Shakti Tracks that were meant for Radiance, Pure, Shakti Silence and The Calling but were never finished until now, as well as older gems that have been re-mastered with the Shakti Sound Technology to help bring you into deep states of peace.
If you are looking for new Shakti Meditation Music to deepen your meditation and experience of bliss, there is brand new exquisite bliss-inducing Shakti meditation music to keep you happy!
These are the tracks I have been meditating with during my Shakti Meditations.
And if you are lovers of my older CDs like Now is Forever, Beautiful Sound, Sweet Nectar of Silence and Nurturance, there are a collection of archived tracks that were made during this same time period. All of which have their own story to tell and some Shakti Sound vibrations added to them so you can experience deep peace while listening.

"Sun Salutations" was the original track I made to go on The Calling. But The Calling took years to finish and probably 50 tracks were made in those years and I simply forgot about this track!
But it's beautiful, serene and transmits palpable peace. It's very special. Have a listen:
"Domincan Mornings" is just a really nice musical track from before The Calling that I added a little Shakti to.
"Magpie Mornings" is from back when there were lots of "Ambient Music" record labels. One of those labels asked for a track of mine to put on a compilation they were releasing. This was the track they used. Here it is re-mastered with a little Shakti in the background.
"Seashores" was from the first year I lived in NZ 20 years ago. What sounds like an ocean is a recording of the wind outside my house on a stormy day. You can hear the Myna birds and the windchimes that were on our porch.
I've re-mastered this with some Shakti. It makes a really beautiful meditation :)
"Beyond Gravity" was a favorite of mine when I did it 19 years ago but my girlfriend thought it was too "Ambient."
Perfect fit for "Ambient Meditations" then! Remastered with Shakti.
"Dreamy Meditation" was one of the first tracks I made when I arrived in New Zealand. Remastered with Shakti.
"Peripheral" was done around the same time as "Dominican Mornings" They both along with "Breathe" were to go on their own album that was never released because I made The Calling instead.
"Nightdrift was made for Pure but I never got it quite right until now. The particular bliss energy on this track was never used on any other track. It transmits beautiful peace and silence.
"Birdsong" was actually published before by a record label that published a piano CD of mine. I called the track "Cars and Birds" but they didn't like the title and suggested "Birdsong." Wasn't what I would name it but it made them happy :) I will publish a piano music CD on my own Bliss Music label soon.
You might not think cars driving by is meditative but it certainly is in this track. Now with Shakti. Have a listen:
"Ave Maria" is actually 2 tracks put together.
One track was made for Radiance. The other track I made for the new Shakti Silence album but I never finished it.
By weaving the first track into the second, it turned into something new and beautiful and transmits beautiful Shakti and peace.
Have a listen:
17 years ago , my friend Steve commisioned me to make a music track for his meditation. It was right after my initial spiritual awakening and you can really feel it in this track. I've added some contemporary Shakti Sounds to it. It makes for a very blissful half hour meditation.
I made "What Moves at Night" for my album "Beautiful Sound" but it just didn't fit well with the other tracks on the album. But its a gorgeous Ambient Meditation piece and I figured I would put it on a later album. 19 years later I am finally doing that. Re-mastered with the Shakti Sound Vibrations.
"Breathe I talked about above. It was part of several tracks that would be their own album but then I get working on The Calling. Still a beautiful meditation music track.
"Liberate" was done around the time of Now is Forever but didn't fit with the rest of the tracks. More passionately blissful than for deep meditation but a really nice piece of music.

With The Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace 4 CD / 21 mp3 Set
(With Over 4 & 1/2 hours of meditation music) You Get:
Over 2 1/2 hours of Deep and Powerful Shakti Meditation Music
Another 2 hours of blissful meditation music with Shakti Sound vibrations added.
Free 21 Minute Guided Meditation with Special Bliss-Energy Transmission mp3
Free Short Ebook on Meditation including meditation techniques, breathing techniques & more
Free Online Consultation: If you have a question or problem about your meditation
or your spiritual awakening process, simply send me an email and I will give you clarity.
Free Access to my Online Shakti Meditations: (For those interested in Spiritual Awakening, These
Satsangs are powerful Shakti Transmissions.)
Get $10 off if You Order Now:
Only $97 $87 for the 4 CD set
or just $92 US$82 for the 21 mp3 downloads.

Sign Up Here to Receive The Free Weekly Meditation Teachings Including Free Ebooks & Videos ($197 Value) That Will Help You Deepen Your Meditation & Experience of Bliss
You Will Also Have Access to The Free Online
Shakti Awakening Meditations with Kip
(Unsubscribe anytime)
And thank you for your support!
It is because of your support I can make this music.
Much love,

So What Was Meant to Be Just a Collection of Unpublished Music, Became A Lot of New Shakti Meditation Music Tracks That Transmit Profound Bliss in Their Own Right.
Let's get right into the music. I've put the time of each track next to the titles and the stories behind each the tracks:
The first 3 tracks were made for Radiance but were never finished until now. They have become incredibly powerful Shakti Meditation Tracks. 2 of them were influenced by my recent trip to San Francisco Bay. Listening to them, you might feel you are there!
I actually meditated with the original version of "Glorious" for 10 hours straight on a flight from Auckland to LA several years ago. This new version is 10 times more blissful than that original.
Have a listen:
Please Note: (It's best to not eat or drink anything besides water at least an hour prior to listening so you can feel the subtle energy in the music. Then when you listen, just relax and you will begin to feel peace or bliss moving in or around your body. This is the Shakti. It will make you very blissful! Listen with a good pair of speakers or headphones.
"Mystic" was my favorite track to go on the New Shakti Silence CDs/mp3s but I just couldn't get it right in time for publishing.
I was obsessed with it and kept working on it after releasing Shakti Silence and took it out again to work on it these last few months and now its one of my favorite Shakti tracks on this album.
If you listen closely, you might subtly hear me chanting Sanskrit in a Kali temple in India. The energy of me chanting in this amazing temple was really incredible so I put it in the background. This is one amazing Shakti meditation music track!
These next 2 Shakti tracks were created after the original Shakti Silence as a new Shakti Album. They use a ten minute loop that had over 30 different sounds in it. In "Dreamtime," the loop was slowed down to half its speed. It's quite mesmerizing to meditate with. These tracks have really nice Shakti.
"Ambient Meditations for Inner Peace" Gives You Over Four and a Half Hours of Blissful Meditation Music.
Over 2 and a Half Hours is Deep and Powerful Shakti Meditation Music, great for those interested in Spiritual Awakening or just wanting to go deep into bliss and meditation.
The other two hours is beautiful ambient meditation music I have re-mastered and added some Shakti Sound Vibrations to make them very peaceful and blissful to listen to. Many of these tracks are also great for deep meditation.

With The Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace 4 CD / 21 mp3 Set
(With Over 4 & 1/2 hours of meditation music) You Get:
Over 2 1/2 hours of Deep and Powerful Shakti Meditation Music
Another 2 hours of blissful meditation music with Shakti Sound vibrations added.
Free Online Consultation: If you have a question or problem about your meditation
or your spiritual awakening process, simply send me an email and I will give you clarity.
Free Access to my Online Shakti Meditations: (For those interested in Spiritual Awakening, These
Satsangs are powerful Shakti Transmissions.)
Get $10 off if You Order Now:
Only $97 $87 for the 4 CD set
or just $92 US$82 for the 21 mp3 downloads.
And thank you
for your support!
It is because of your support
I can make this music.
Much love,
With The Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace 4 CD / 21 mp3 Set
(With Over 4 & 1/2 hours of meditation music) You Get:
Over 2 1/2 hours of Deep and Powerful Shakti Meditation Music
Another 2 hours of blissful meditation music with Shakti Sound vibrations added.
Free 21 Minute Guided Meditation with Bliss-Energy Transmission mp3
Free Short Ebook on Meditation
Free Online Consultation: If you have a question or problem about your meditation or your spiritual awakening process, simply send me an email and I will give you clarity.
Free Access to my Online Shakti Meditations: (For those interested in Spiritual Awakening, These Satsangs are powerful Shakti Transmissions.)
Get $10 off if You Order Now:
Only $97 $87 for the 4 CD set
or just $92 US$82 for the 21 mp3 downloads.
"Innocence" is a very short track I made many years ago. I was working on another piece in which I had to make a sample of a panflute. I recorded the panflute my first Guru had given me and sampled it to my keyboard and out came this gorgeous piece while I was playing around with the panflute and a female choir.
It is not deep meditation music and is the only piece I did not put Shakti on in this album because it would have ruined the piece.
It is imperfect but so beautiful it might move you to tears. I have wanted to publish this for a long time. Have a listen:
Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace is a 4 CD set (21 tracks) of meditation music which you can also have as mp3 downloads.
I have all of this amazing meditation music I've kept to myself over the last 20 years. I've wanted to publish them but the tracks either were never finished or didn't fit well with the other music on the album I was publishing at the time so these tracks have remained a secret until now.
I've spent the last 6 months going through my archives, finding the tracks that I absolutely wanted you to hear .
But as I got into it, I discovered all of these unfinished Shakti tracks that were meant for Radiance, Pure, Shakti Silence and The Calling. These tracks radiated beautiful bliss. They just needed finishing. And that gave me an excuse to get back into the studio which is where I love to be.
"Many of These Tracks Are Simply Breathtaking!
They're like an aural cocoon that envelops you and you can just bathe in the music. "
(Brennon Thompson, VA, USA)
"This Music Affects Me In A New Way, Kip.
I can feel it in the top most superficial layer of my upper chest and heart chakra, and my ethereal/aura energy fields/layers. It tingles. Almost too much but I can relax into it and feel myself soften."
(Kathryn Williams, Australia)
"Many of These Tracks Are Simply Breathtaking!
They're like an aural cocoon that envelops you and you can just bathe in the music. "
(Brennon Thompson, VA, USA)
"This Music Affects Me In A New Way, Kip.
I can feel it in the top most superficial layer of my upper chest and heart chakra, and my ethereal/aura energy fields/layers. It tingles. Almost too much but I can relax into it and feel myself soften."
(Kathryn Williams, Australia)
"I Love This Music! I Have No Words To Describe How Wonderful It Is To Immerse In It!"
(Claudia Dan, Romania)
"I Love This Music! I Have No Words To Describe How Wonderful It Is To Immerse In It!"
(Claudia Dan, Romania)